Transform your life in just a few minutes. Using proven psychological techniques, these free self-help applications offer great insights and methods that will help you attain pristine self-esteem and improve your overall well-being.

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Please select an application:

sdsc-title-banner Self-Discovery Sentence Completion
sesc-title-banner Self-Esteem Sentence Completion
cpa-title-banner Christian Power Affirmations
xpa-title-banner Extreme Power Attainer
gr-title-banner Guilt Reliever

PSI Info

What is Psycholigical Self-Improvement?

Psychological Self is a website that hosts a variety of web applications that help people to improve their psychological health and fitness.

Who is Psychological Self-Improvement for?

Psychological Self-Improvement is for anyone who wants to improve their mind. Currently there are applications for improving self-esteem and discovering more about oneself through affirmations and sentence stem completion. There are more applications on the way (the current plan is an Idea Developer, Purpose attainer, and an Ethics and Virtue website) so stay tuned!

How can Psychological Self-Improvement help me?

These applications are aimed at improving your mind and health. This will increase your productivity in all areas of your life. They do this by increasing your self-esteem, exposing important information in your subconscious mind and installing positive thinking processes into your subsconscious. There is no such thing as too much psychological health or self-esteem so I can guarantee that these applications will help you.

Why did you make Psychological Self-Improvement?

To be honest, I made this website for myself. I was reading through psychological improvement books and was going through some of the exercises and I thought about how nice it would be to have an application for this, so I made some. Another thing that I see is that that society is currently in a mental health epidemic at a time when jobs are getting more complicated. I see a significant need for pristine psychological health in the world and I aim to serve this need with these applications.

How do I use this website?

Simply select a web application that seems most useful, fun or pertinent to you and give it a try and have some fun with it. You can read the instructions for the app or you can just start using them. I think it may be advantageous to use a keyboard but all of the apps can be used with mobile.

- Christopher Barber Bsc, CEO of 13retonnian Web Development

Please help improve the psychological health of the world through these proven methods and groundbreaking applications by donating, subscribing or sharing.

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Christopher Barber Bsc, CEO of 13retonnian Web Development

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